Crooked Lake Texas township Facebook page - We wanted everyone to know about the Crooked Lake Facebook page.  It is set up to allow you to view the site with out logging into Facebook.   Clicking here  will take you to the Facebook home page.  

[🚨] Important info for the lake residents - Lake Level Project Assessment project

The State Grant has been applied to the Legal Lake Project and has lowered the overall SAD amount. The Drain commissioner will be sending a revised letter to all impacted residence with the new LOWER Lake Level Project Assessment. The new amount is expected to be approximately $4630,00 if paid by September 1, 2023 (the exact amount will be on your individual letter). The original assessment was $8886. This can be paid at the Township office (see details on the attached documents).  Click on the following links to view the letter from the township and the FAQ PDF's

Crooked and Eagle Lakes – Lake Level Project Grant letter from the township PDF.

Crooked and Eagle Letter - Reduced Assessments Legal Lake level FAQ -  PDF.

[🚨] Important info for the lake residents - as of 08 September 2024

This is the Web Site of the Homeowner's Association for the residents of the South West Michigan community of Texas Township, who own homes around Crooked Lake. This site contains information about our lake and Association Activities.

[🚨] Important info for the lake residents - Lake Level Project Assessment project
​The Lake Level reading on 8/30/2023 was 894.48 feet. That is 0.03 feet from the turn on level. (A copy of the lake level readings since 6/20/2023 is attached.)  The EGLE permit, for the long-term Lake level Project, includes the following provision regarding Pump Operations. We have entered into an agreement with the Drain Commissioner to operate the pump using these guidelines.

30. The Crooked Lake augmentation well may be turned on when water levels reach an elevation of 894.45-feet, which is 8-inches below the legal lake level of 895.12-feet. The Crooked Lake augmentation well shall be turned off when water levels reach an elevation of 894.79-feet, which is 4- inches below the legal lake level of 895.12-feet. The maximum pump rate shall be 991 GPM.

895.12 feet- High water mark / Legal Lake Level as established by the Court
894.45 feet – Turn on level for the pump
894.79 feet – turn off point for the pump

The Power to the pump has been turned off since 2021. This morning I asked Consumers Energy to turn it back on. The cost of having the power on / available  is currently $20 / month, if  we use zero / no electricity.

They have scheduled the turn on for September 5, between 9 – 12. Once the power is on, the CLTA board will turn the pump on, if the water hits a level of 894.45 or below. We will keep a log of the date and time it is turned on and when it is turned off. That data is needed for our annual report to the state on water usage and is a requirement of our agreement with the Drain Commissioner.

​The Lake Level reading on 9/7/2023 was 894.44 feet. That is 0.01 feet below the turn on level. The pump was turned on at 6:45 PM on 9/7/2023.

Current News & Upcoming Events:

Washing your Boat to prevent Invasive Species from entering the Lake - Anytime you use your boat on another lake it should be thoroughly cleaned before putting it back into Crooked Lake. Many lakes have been negatively impacted by invasive species such as zebra muscles. We all need to do everything possible to prevent invasive species from getting establish in our lake.

Crooked Lake Texas Association

Texas Township, Michigan

Key provisions of PROPERTY ACCESS AGREEMENT – CLTA BOAT LAUNCH that we established with the Drain Commission to allow the boat launch to be used to implement the lake level project.

This impacts only those lake residents who participate in the ramp ownership program and utilize the ramp to enter or exit the lake.

Access and Use of Property: The Lake Level District has the irrevocable right pursuant to the terms of this Agreement to utilize and use the Property for the following purposes:

  • Use of the CLTA Boat Launch for contractors to access the lake (e.g., with dredging equipment) to complete the Lake Level Project.
  • Use of the driveway leading to the CLTA Boat Launch for ingress and egress necessary for contractors to use the boat launch.
  • For incidental temporary staging of necessary materials for use to complete the Lake Level Project.

Limitations on Access and Use of Property: The Lake Level District’s general permissions to use the Property as explained above is limited pursuant to the below:

  • The Lake Level District must ensure that the Property and the CLTA Boat Launch is accessible by CLTA members each week from 6:00PM on Fridays until 6:00AM Mondays Additionally, during the month of October 2023, the Lake Level District shall ensure weekly access to the Property and CLTA Boat Launch by CLTA members from 6:00PM Thursdays to 6:00AM on Mondays. Moreover, the Property and CLTA Boat Launch must also be made accessible to CLTA members on the following dates in 2023: (1) July 1-9; (2) September 4; and (3) one day as selected by Landowner with 15 days’ written notice to Lake Level District for the purpose of access to the Property by a sewer company (with access returning to the Lake Level District at 6:00AM the following morning unless the following morning is a day for access by CLTA members explained above).
  • Activities by the Lake Level District shall not impede the CLTA’s tenant from using their dock on the Property (separate from the CLTA Boat Launch).

Consideration: In consideration for entering into this Agreement, the Lake Level District shall pay the Landowner $20,000 if it accesses the Property or CLTA Boat Launch between the dates of July 10, 2023 to October 31, 2023. Otherwise, access to the Property and use of the CLTA Boat Launch shall require no monetary compensation to the Landowner.

Boat Launch Condition and/or Property Damage: Prior to use, the Lake Level District shall document the condition of the Property, specifically its driveway and the CLTA Boat Launch. Any damage caused by the Lake Level District to the CLTA Boat Launch or the Property shall be repaired so such improvements are put back in a substantially similar condition as prior to use by the Lake Level District.



[🚨] REMINDER [🚨] The CLTA ramp is owned by the private residents of Crooked Lake, it is not to be used to let others use your card to “drop in”. PLEASE read your ramp agreement, this is a usage revocable offense.

The Lake Association has entered into an agreement to allow the Township / Drain Commission to utilize the Crooked Lake Boat Ramp to complete parts of the Legal Lake Level Project.  They currently expect that portion of the project to start in September and end by mid-October. We will post the actual start date on both the Web Site and on Social Media when the start date is confirmed.

Upcoming events and comments discuss at the

2023 Crooked Lake Texas Association General Meeting

​From Vice President Lesa Newby

🚤Boat parade is rescheduled for Sept 3rd, starting at 5:30 pm, to end with a gathering at the ramp site for a concert put on by Crazy Mic 🎸Parade theme to be announced in the near future! 😎
🌊Please be cognizant of your wake and if towing people, please be aware of your distance from shore. Please review 
📲Please text LAKE to 269.257.5154 to keep the most up to date on any lake happenings! 
💻We will keep Zoom as an option for upcoming meetings as this seems to be convenient for our members to join us from anywhere! 
😳Our ramp may be used for the long term fix dredging and may be shut down for some time, we will keep you all posted on that!
🐟If you would like to join a committee: Social/band committee, long term fix committee, Ramp committee or would like to simply volunteer for the CLTA, please contact this page by messenger or Lesa Newby. 
😁Thank you all for being excellent neighbors! We look forward to a great 2023 summer season!