The Association Board has contracted with Restorative Lake Sciences (18406 West Spring Lake Road Spring Lake, MI 49456) to monitor the water quality of our lake. Jennifer Jermalowicz-Jones is our primary contact.

Lake Level / Pump Operations

​The Association owns and operates a high capacity well and pump to assist in maintaining tan established water level within the lake. We are primarily dependent upon rain water to provide water for the lake. We utilize the well / pump to add water when the rain fall is not sufficient to maintain an expectable level. The board through years of measurement has established an expected water level for the lake. We have also established a policy of when the pump operates and when it is turned off based on the  water level.  

The Association has contracted with Lake Savers, LLC to install and manage a Laminar Flow Aeration System through our the lake. John Tucci President

The CLTA membership approved the installation of a Laminar Flow Aeration system to improve the overall lake quality, reduce the amount of vegetation and muck in the lake. The system was installed in the spring of 2014 and has operated according to the parameters of our DEQ (Department of Environmental Quality) since that time.

The Association board commissioned a study of the overall lake quality  in 2012. That study conducted by Lakeshore Environmental included recommendations on how best to address lake quality issues identified by the study. A copy of that study can be reviewed by clicking the following link: 2012 Lakeshore  Environmental Study 

The Association board has developed the following plan to evaluate the success of the project through the measurement of  key criteria:

Water / Lake Quality

Laminar Flow Aeration Project